Toko Online Songket Palembang


Situs ini kami maksudkan disamping sarana promosi juga untuk menjalin hubungan komunikasi yang akrab dengan setiap konsumen produk Songket Cantik. Produk yang muncul sebagai perwujudan dari komitmen dan visi untuk "memberikan pelayanan terbaik untuk anda".

Songket Cantik adalah salah satu produsen Songket Palembang yang merupakan aset dari kerajinan asli Palembang.  Sesuai dengan motto Songket Cantik, maka songket produksi Songket Cantik menggunakan bahan-bahan yang berkualitas dengan harga yang sesuai.  Semua songket yang diproduksi Songket Cantik dijamin baik.  Anda tidak perlu ragu dan takut untuk berbelanja di sini.  Satisfaction & Best Price Guaranteed !

Info Lebih lengkap silahkan kunjungi situs kami Songket Cantik

Atau hubungi :
Jl. Aiptu A. Wahab No.74 Rt. 06 Rw. 02 Kelurahan 15 Ulu Kertapati Palembang
Telp. 08127804860, 07119412105
Email :

Selamat berbelanja !

WELCOME to our Site!
We mean this site promotion facilities in addition also to establish communication links that are familiar with every consumer product Songket Beautiful. The product that emerged as the embodiment of commitment and vision to "provide the best service for you".
Beautiful songket is one manufacturer that is an asset Palembang songket from Palembang original craft. In accordance with the motto Songket Beautiful, so beautiful songket songket production using quality materials that are appropriately priced. All the beautiful songket songket produced well secured. You do not need to hesitate and be afraid to shop here. Satisfaction & Best Price Guaranteed!
Happy shopping!

We mean this site promotion facilities in addition also to establish communication links that are familiar with every consumer product of Songket Cantik. The products that emerged as the embodiment of commitment and vision to "provide the best service for you".
Songket Cantik is one of Songket woven manufacturer that is an asset of Palembang's songket from Palembangnesse original woven craft. In accordance with the motto of Songket Cantik, so all products are using quality materials that are appropriately priced. All the Songket Cantik products having well quality. You do not need to hesitate and be afraid to shop here.  Satisfaction & Best Price Guaranteed!

More info please visit our webpage Songket Cantik

or contact us :
Jl. Aiptu A. Wahab No.74 Rt. 06 Rw. 02 Kelurahan 15 Ulu Kertapati Palembang
Telp. 08127804860, 07119412105
Email :

Happy shopping!